Wednesday, December 14, 2005

AOP@Work: Dependency injection with AspectJ and Spring

One of the key challenges I have for the dependency injection patterns is related to how one varies the configuration dynamically and by system parameters, say for instance varying behaviour by brand. I've had success in the past with systems that use dynamic service discovery mechanisms to 'lookup' the appropriate implementation given some context. This in itself doesn't preclude the use of dependency injection frameworks to statically bind together services but does beg the question of when to dynamically bind and when to statically bind. There are also other patterns that may be of use, i.e. using a strategy pattern to allow a branded strategy to be used.

Any the article that prompted this is mentioned below - from developerworks. It talks about dependency injection and use of Aspects to enhance this. It got my mind thinking about possible synergies with the issues I'm interested in although the thoughts haven't coalesced into something tangible as yet.

AOP@Work: Dependency injection with AspectJ and Spring


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