Monday, August 30, 2004

WINXP: windows xp costs me 2 hours of my life!

so, I was merrily working away when my xp machine blue screened (I might add I've just installed winxp sp2). ho hum, said I and rebooted to be met with:

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM

try using the windows repair console to fix the problem


ok, whip out my windows xp disk, repairer console. Apparently in a fit of stupidity and lack of memory i thought 'chkdsk' - that'll do the job! that will set my registry files to right and I'll be away!

Sadly this converted the \windows\system32\config directory into a file. I ended up booting from a win98 boot disk and following microsofts directions.

suffice to say hurrah for system restore but grr to microsoft for an operating system that is clearly still very vulnerable.

gadgets and the like!

Well this will be a blog about gadgets and techie stuff. It's here so i don't have to keep emailing myself urls and stuff and hunting through my favourites and bookmarks.

Expect to see stuff about technical architecture and gadgets here shortly.