Thursday, September 30, 2004

BCS: Java lecture

I'm looking to attend the meeting on the 12th as detailed in the link below. It's a BCS meeting but they're open to professionals who aren't members. I would caveat that the presentation is likely to be high-level given the mixed audience but it would give a view from someone high in IBM on what is happening with Java in the next few years. Its being hosted over in Kingston University so I am probably looking at getting a taxi over on the night. If you're interested give me a shout.

NET: AOL adopt strong authentication

AOL are now offering RSA Security devices to strengthen authentication!
The article.

J2EE: Clover - need to have a look at this

Go here.

J2EE: SPRING: The spring frame work offers a lightweight framework for java applications

I intend to write more on this but needless to say me being an ATG Dynamo fan having an open-source 'Inversion of Control' framework is of significant interest. Have a look here for a discussion on